Plum- Week 12
This week you are the size of a plum! You are about 2.1 inches long and weigh almost half an ounce! Even though you are so tiny you pretty much have all your parts and now just need to keep growing and growing! This week you are developing reflexes- and while I cannot feel it yet if I poke my belly you'll move. Happy New Years! This NYE was pretty boring, yet illuminating. I changed the lightbulb in my parents living room that is 20+ feet up and on New Year's Day Stephen helped my dad switch out the lights in the kitchen/dining room. Stephen and I did manage to stay up till 11 to watch the ball drop on NYE though.

Illuminating our New Years
We returned back to VA this week- making pit stops to see friends along the way. We stopped to see on of my besties, JTP and our friend from grad school was able to make the trip with her two little ones! It was so great to see everyone- the next time we see each other we will probably all have babes in tow. Remarkable how things change in 3 years.

Stephen's eyes were doing better so he was able to help out with the 11 hour drive from TN to VA on Saturday, which was good because I needed a little break. Between getting uncomfortable sitting and having to pee more long road trips may soon be a thing of the past for this pregnant lady! How Far Along: 12 weeks
Total Weight Gain: +10 (even after all the holiday goodies!)
Maternity Clothes: pants yes, tops can still wear some of my usual tops
Stretch Marks: no, please stay this way!
Sleep: considering all the beds I slept in- pretty good
Best Moment This Week: seeing friends!
Miss Anything: feeling normal and not like a crazy pregnant lady
Movement: butterflies :) You wake me up in the morning and I can tell when you are fluttering around
Food Cravings: ice cream
Aversions: smells still sensitive Gender: gut still says girl Labor Signs: too early! Belly Button: in Wedding Rings: on Exercise: was WAY too cold in Iowa to do much, want to hit the pool this coming week Mood: moody! mostly angry, little things set me off. Also more teary than normal with emotional stories Looking Forward To: hearing your heartbeat again next week at the midwife appt!