Orange- Week 15
This week you are the size of a navel orange! You are about 4 inches long and weigh 2.5 oz. You keep growing and growing, your joints and limbs can all move and you might even be hiccuping! This was an interesting week- we were scheduled for a 3 day weekend with MLK Day on Monday, but Mother Nature decided to turn the weekend into a 6 day weekend with some snow and cold temperatures. This week I started to get some back pain, not really pain just stiffness. I tried taking a warm bath- that was great for about 5 minutes until my legs fell asleep from being folded (someday I will have a tub big enough for me and Stephen to lay comfortably in!) Post closed due to the snow so I only got to swim once this week. It feels so nice to be in the water! Kathleen was finally able to come swimming and it was nice to have someone to swim with again. It was a pretty boring, easy week of not doing much. Stephen comes back from TDY tonight and I'm glad because it has been getting pretty boring around here. The big accomplishments this week though were scoring some great deals on baby things! I got another 3 BG diapers and 3 Thirsties and a whole bag full of newborn diapers- all types! I think we are pretty much set on diapers for right now. I also got a steal on a co-sleeper ($40) but upon further review not quite what I'm looking for- sleeping arrangements are still on the to-do list. I also got a good deal on a diaper bag- from the same woman that I got the co-sleeper from ($100 savings). We will need to make a list/timeline, July will be here before we know it! It is already the end of January! Here is a belly pic for end of 15 weeks/beginning of 16 weeks. I have been taking bump shots on Sundays, making it a little confusing for posting purposes.

How Far Along: 15 weeks
Total Weight Gain: +15 about. The Brewer Diet (from Bradley class) suggests gaining 35-40 lbs. I am not worried about how much I gain- just that I'm maintaing a healthy diet with regular activity and that I'm gaining steadily to support baby.
Maternity Clothes: clothes are lame- yoga pants forever!
Stretch Marks: not yet
Sleep: hit or miss- had a little insomnia this week
Best Moment This Week: catching the begging of the 'bump' popping, getting good deals on baby gear
Miss Anything: skipping meals. With Stephen TDY non pregnant me would have skipped meals, pregnant me can't do that- I get lightheaded and tired- baby takes from me so I need to fuel myself
Movement: some butterflies, feel something new when walking
Food Cravings: wish! :/
Aversions: changes daily Gender: gut still says girl Labor Signs: too early! Belly Button: in Wedding Rings: on Exercise: swimming and walking Odin, was cold snowy and icy this week so didn't move as much Mood: more steadier and generally better, would say back to a pre-pregnancy norm Looking Forward To: next appointment to hear heartbeat and schedule sonogram!