Sweet Potato- Week 18
This week you are the size of a sweet potato- you are about 5.6 inches long and 6.7 ounces. You are growing rapidly, making mom very hungry all the time! You are not only rolling, punching and kicking but yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing. Not sure what happened at 18 weeks but hunger has kicked in! The boys at the high school understand, we were chatting about eating and always being hungry. I wake up every morning between 5 and 6 needing to go to the bathroom and then eat something. I have been keeping snacks by the bed because you also want a before bed snack. If I don't eat enough you get angry and I think kick or punch me, it almost feels like a strange cramp/gas that's not a cramp or gas. On one hand Im excited to feel a real kick and Im also nervous- I think you are pretty strong in there! You have also had a couple of nights with a late night dance party (in my head I imagine you are the dancing baby from Ally McBeal) and that keeps me up. Usually feeding you or massaging my belly makes you quiet down so I can get some sleep. This week was pretty low key- snow storms hit again so I only had work Monday and Tuesday. Stephen also got off work Thursday for the snow and has a 4 day for Presidents Day.

Odin turns 1 this weekend- he has grown so much its crazy to think Baby Hudak will do the same, hopefully not 10-100 pounds in a year though! Today Odin was cuddling with Stephen and I realized they are the same length from head to groin!

18 weeks- I think I have popped!
How Far Along: 18 weeks
Total Weight Gain: ? haven't been on a scale
Maternity Clothes: same- mostly yoga pants. L sizes are getting tight, having to move to XL in non maternity wear
Stretch Marks: not yet
Sleep: interrupted by bathroom breaks and up early to eat
Best Moment This Week: I think I have "popped" I look pregnant in almost all my clothes, next week I think baby will push up past my belly button making a smooth solid bump.
Miss Anything: sleeping throughout the night
Movement: I think so- no distinguishable kicks yet
Food Cravings: I wish!
Aversions: smells and smells and more smells Gender: find out on MONDAY! (Feb 17) Gut still says girl Labor Signs: too early! Belly Button: in Wedding Rings: on Exercise:a few walks with Odin, getting over a cold so no swimming this week :/ Mood: much improved since last week, excited for Monday! Looking Forward To: Monday! Hopefully finding out if you are a boy or girl and checking to make sure everything is ok in there :)